Are you struggling with feelings of shame when encountering food choice? What if these are merely blocks or bumps in the road of your journey? When you view these as moveable and erasable you become empowered.
Who you are, what you have been through, the programmes or memories currently existing within you are the dependant factors on the length of the clearing process. You can not rush your journey, but you can help yourself.
In this post, I am really tapping into the route of self-sabotage. My personal journey has been abundant with experimentation and self-discovery, with ups and a multitude of downs. Are you caught in a pattern? Do you begin a healthy lifestyle regime often, and although you feel amazing and enjoy this way of living, much to your own dismay and frustration you sabotage and find healthy habits unattainable?
I can honestly say I have a love and appreciation of food and, more importantly, myself, that I have developed over accumulative years. However, there can be times when past memories, feelings and programmes of the ego creep up to try and sabotage. This is true for so many of us and when we can recognise that these thoughts are just thoughts, that years of shame have to be worked on before we can avoid them altogether (and as I state this I am not entirely sure yet that they will fully leave - I will keep you informed). After reading numerous articles and books on this topic, my conclusion is that each person is completely different and the only way to truly be at peace and enjoy food is to be at peace and love yourself.
These three strategies have worked for me and my hope is that you can utilise them to commit to consistency in changing your life for good. You are a unique human being and you are love.
- Make a decision to change and leave the faddy dieting behind you.
I remember in my twenties having a light bulb moment. As I thought about the years of yo-yo and pain my mum and other women I looked up to had spent on trying to be slim. I didn't want this to be my future, as food had already controlled most of my young life. I determined that I would find a way to self-acceptance and love. As I did this I focused on forming new habits and keeping my mind on how I wanted to feel, appreciating weight loss milestones, feeling good and, of course, the benefit of fitting into lovely new clothes. Once you have made the decision to leave the negative body image behind, there is no going back - falling off the wagon are moments along the way, pick yourself up and start again.
2. The journey to self-acceptance, clearing memories and excavating the real you
Liking yourself as you are, flaws and all is the way to self-acceptance. You are good enough, contrary to past memories and programming. Work to replace the voices and thoughts that threaten to get in the way of acceptance. Be consistent in repeating positive phrases about yourself, this will crowd out the negative beliefs and the subconscious will pick up on the new stories you are telling yourself. Explore mindfulness, meditation and self-care techniques to support your journey. Guided meditations have helped me quiet my sometimes chaotic mind in addition to helping me listen to my own intuition.
3. Remove thoughts of restrictive eating - there is no off limits!
There are no off-limit foods, although I certainly choose to not consume a number of different fare. It is completely my choice what I eat and don't eat, this may seem a little silly, as you may be grappling with avoidance of doughnuts or such like. None the less, when you are reaching for feeling good and you choose to add in foods that make your body feel fabulous, and choose to say I don't eat for example doughnuts, because they do not make me feel how I deserve to feel or they contain too many anti-nutrients and I want to fill my body with good nutrition etc. It helps to enjoy introducing new healthy recipes and ingredients to make your meals more exciting. Importantly, changing your language is a simple and easy psychological win. It is amazing how your mind shift happens when you say ‘I don't eat that’ as oppose to ‘I can't eat that.’
If you have any questions or if I can help in any way please get in touch.
Lots of love
Kelly x
Further help, articles and books
- From a previous blog post
“I love the researcher Brene Brown’s view on preparing our children for life. She explains that shame is something that grows from trying to meet some sort of ideal perfectionism. Therefore, her advice is to tell our children that they are imperfect and born to overcome struggle, but also worthy of unconditional love.”
- My self-sabotage article from 2014 - Are you worthy?
Do you want clarity on what's holding you back and understand exactly who you are, what you want and how to get it?
- The slight edge
Jeff Olsen
- The power of habit
Charles Duhigg
- Inner child meditation
- Living carefree guided meditation
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